Our Mission

Women in Computing (WiC) is a student-run organization at California State University, Long Beach that is building a community to uplift and facilitate the ongoing growth of the next generation of women* in technology. Our mission is to cultivate leadership, hone confidence, and provide practical experience. Together, we reinforce a sisterhood where meaningful dialogue is established, unexpected connections are created, and momentum is inspired for future leaders.

*trans and non-binary inclusive



Sisterhood is the foundation of our organization. The Sisterhood program is designed for WiC members to form companionship and to encourage members to be active. Our Sisterhood provides mentorship through social and professional development events throughout the semester. These events ensure that our members maintain an optimal balance of academic and social life, all while fostering lasting friendships and supportive bonds.


Our workshop series are aimed towards providing technical skills and hands-on experience with topics outside of the school curriculum, such as command line mastery, source control collaboration, resume review, and in-demand technologies.

Professional Development

Students have opportunities to experience the day-to-day of working engineers and the work culture of their company. This provides a better understanding of their values in a more personal setting. Office Space tours complements classroom education by giving first-hand exposure to companies.

Event Calendar


Current Officers

Githel Suico

Nhu Nguyen

Computer Science, Fall 2024

Chi Vo

Chi Vo
Vice President

Computer Science, May 2024

Melody Gatan

Melody Gatan

Computer Science

Angeline Dequit

Angeline Dequit

Computer Science

Fozhan Babaeiyan Ghamsari

Fozhan Babaeiyan

Computer Science, Spring 2026

Gaurav Paryani

Gaurav Paryani
Event Coordinator

Computer Science, Fall 2024

Citlally Vasquez

Citlally Vasquez
Sisterhood Coordinator

Computer Science

Reyna Aguirre-Okamune

Reyna Aguirre-Okamune

Computer Science, Fall 2024

My Lu

My Lu
Co-Graphic Designer

Computer Science


Co-Graphic Designer

Computer Science

More Officers


Dr. Jelena Trajkovic

Dr. Jelena Trajkovic
Faculty Advisor

Dr. Tracy Maples

Dr. Tracy Maples
Faculty Advisor

Nikki Nguyen

Nikki Nguyen
Practioner Advisor

Computer Science, December 2019

Meet our Sponsors